Come All

The Calling Bell is a Tattoo Studio and Artist Collective located just North of Huntington Village on Long Island, New York. We are an Artist-run shop, offering custom tattoos, flash designs, art exhibitions, pop-up events, and more! Our Artists here are encouraged to maintain an identity of their own, and pursue whatever crafts they feel called to beyond tattooing.

Building Community

We offer an accessible space for artists of all media to showcase their work and provide a platform for them to grow their art practices.

Our exhibitions typically range from 1-2 months- you can stay up to date with upcoming events here!

Community through art is incredibly important to us. We aim to create a warm and welcoming space for “all the good folk to gather”, thanks to the rich culture and freedom we have from Tattooing.

Come all, as you are.

Stay up to date with all we do by following us on  Instagram!